Wednesday, 16 November 2011


So many white men really fancy Thai & Oriental women. Here's a new member who's just signed up & she's in Wales. No idea if there're many Thai women looking for sex in Wales, but somehow I doubt it, so I expect she'll be pretty popular, my advice? Get on over to & find Hansa's details & contact her soon. Then again, you never know. I get so many (well 1 or 2 a week) calls from women who've joined the site & are perfectly sexy/attractive, but ring me u because no-one has contacted for days, weeks or months; and they don't understand why.

So I look into it, and there's no logical explanation at all, except no-one has wanted to contact the women for some reason or another. Go figure!

Anyway, I'm totally getting off the point...

If you're in Wales & you like Thai women & you're looking for sex with Thai women in Wales - Then Hansa is your obvious choice.

Find her and all the new members so far this week over at