aka organises sex contacts and sex parties throughout the UK. Run by sex fans for sex fans, we are here to help men and women find new sex partners easily quickly and PRIVATELY. For over 18s only. Good clean sex fun. No fees either way. We do not accept adverts from prostitutes or escorts or professional sex workers in any way. No needs for credit-cards. No memberships. Just xxx connections/sex contact magazines established 1989.
Friday, 15 April 2011
I guess there are sex parties, there are sex parties.... and THEN.... There are SEX PARTIES...
Gloria & her husband Dennis are planning a SEX PARTY, but such a weird/different sort of one that even I was quite taken aback when Gloria emailed me to ask us to publisise it & I phoned her back this afternoon.
Gloria is in her mid 30s (so is a not an older woman sex contact, but not a very very young sex contact either) and Dennis and her have 1 very definite sexual enjoyment.
They enjoy having 'objects' put up Glorias' lovely (presumerably spacious!!!) pussy and then either having someone help pull it out or for Gloria to try & use her pussy muscles to push it out.
So they're holding a sex party dedicated to Gloria and her amazing technicolor pussy... well ok, I'm exagerating about the technicolor part!!
Apparently amongst the items Gloria wants up her are - a pair of her tights, a pair of her stockings, a pair of the kneesocks she sometimes wears for sex, ping pong ball, a tampon, some huge huge huge sex toys... and other items that I'll leave to your imagination!!!
OH, I better point out - I don't think she intends on having ALL those items up her at the same time... At least I don't assume she does!
So if you want to see Gloria have loads of things put up her and brought out - I'll tell you how to arrange it, you need to be able to be in Warwick in Warwickshire on May 10th 2011.
As well as using her pussy as a sex container (can't think of a better way of putting it), Gloria is hoping plenty of men will shag her on the night too.
Bring a bottle of wine, a 6-pack of lager or a bottle of spirits along to help the party go with a BANG.
For your invite (going is FREE, except for the request for you to bring a bottle) write to me @ Katie, ukq, Suite 106, Wey House, 15 Church Street, Weybridge, KT13 8NA
& enclose 12 1st class stamps to cover our postage/admin costs.
& PS - Heard this evening that the SUNDAY SPORT NEWSPAPER should be back on the newsagents shelves in early May, just a few weeks away. As a lot of you know I modelled a little for the Sport when I was 18-19 years old & I for one am really really pleased to hear that it's coming back. I was quite heavily into girl-girl sex when I was that sort of age, and one of these days if one of you twists my arm (not literally, I have a low pain threshold!) I'll tell you the names of one or two of the other (much more famous than me!) Sport girls that I scissored with!!